CYpBER 2020

CYpBER 2020

  • Hilton Nicosia, Achaion 1, Egkomi 2413, Cyprus
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On 19th of May at the Hilton Nicosia hotel in Cyprus, takes place the 3rd CYpBER 2020, Cyber Security Conference for the Maritime, Oil & Gas and Energy sectors which is held with the Support of the Deputy Ministry to the President of Research, Innovation & Digital Policy of the Republic of Cyprus, the Office of the Commissioner of Electronic Communications & Postal Regulation (OCECPR), the Digital Security Authority, the Research & Innovation Foundation and the Oil & Gas Association of Cyprus. It is also supported by EU Horizon 2020 ECHO and CyberSec4Europe projects while SecureGas project with Innov-acts Ltd and Threat-Arrest project with Sphynx Technology Solutions AG are Sponsors.

CYpBER 2020 aims to bring together government officials, leading experts from the Maritime, Oil & Gas, Energy and IT security professionals while thought leaders and recognized experts will present recent challenges and report on the latest developments in the management and mitigation of associated risks.

Stay tuned at for more details (Program, Registration, etc.)
